
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
The Board of Directors and Management of Hexcare are committed to applying Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations in our business decisions as we strive towards creating long term business success and value for our stakeholders. Guided by the internationally recognised United Nations Sustainability Development Goals and aspirations, we seek to adopt strategic approaches to support and empower communities, encourage social inclusivity and improve the long-term health of the natural environment we live in. At Hexcare, we also address climate change and reinforce our efforts towards decarbonization, in line with Malaysia’s goal towards Net Zero Carbon Emission by year 2050.
The balancing of ESG values with the interests of stakeholders is essential in improving investor perception and public trust that works towards value enhancement for stakeholders in the long run. We recognise that climate change, directly and indirectly, affects our profitability and sustainable growth, hence it is crucial to protect these by mitigating and adapting to climate related risks.
Hexcare also believes that as a responsible corporate citizen, one would have an obligation in making the earth a better place to live in through responsible investing, besides weighing on an appropriate risk-return profile for its investments. Accordingly, Hexcare incorporates these principles of sustainability in line with our core values of Integrity, Loyalty and Hard Work.
FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index and FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Shariah Index

Our efforts to be a responsible and sustainable organization have enabled us to be included as a constituent in the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia (“F4GBM”) Index and FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Shariah (“F4GBMS”) Index since December 2022. FTSE Russell (the trading name of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) confirms that Hextar Healthcare Berhad has been independently assessed according to the FTSE4Good criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series. Created by the global index provider FTSE Russell, the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. The FTSE4Good indices are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.

Hexcare is committed to upholding the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in our business operations. We are dedicated to fostering ethical business practices, promoting human rights, protecting the environment, and working towards the achievement of sustainable development goals that are closely related to ESG. By aligning with the UNGC, we strive to contribute to a global community that values responsible and sustainable business conduct, fostering a better and more equitable world for current and future generations.
Task Force On Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

Hexcare is committed to addressing climate-related risks and opportunities in a proactive and transparent manner. In alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, we are in the process of integrating climate-related considerations into our governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets to ensure long-term sustainability.
What Our Managing Director Say
“At Hexcare, we are committed to integrating sustainability through responsible business plans across our Group’s operations. We seek to foster a sustainable culture that promotes long term economic prosperity, protects the environmental and safeguards high social values.”
“In terms of climate change, we are also committed to achieving a carbon neutral position of our own emissions by 2030 and a Net Zero Carbon Emissions target by 2050, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Climate Action. We have already integrated renewable energy in our plant and will continue to invest in other low-carbon efficient technologies as we embark on this sustainability journey. Notwithstanding, we will also work collaboratively with our customers and evaluate our supply chains to deliver on our commitment towards a more sustainable future.”
Khoo Chin Leng
Group Managing Director
Hextar Healthcare Berhad is committed to
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDG) towards a decarbonization pathway while ensuring long-term value creation for the organization

Governance Sustainability Goals
Zero tolerance to bribery or corruption
Achieved zero bribery or corruption cases in FYE2023
Maintain all manufacturing factories certified with ISO 9001 Quality Management System
We are certified with ISO 9001:2015
Maintain all manufacturing factories certified with ISO 13485 Quality Management System (Medical Devices)
We are certified with ISO 13485:2016
In leading corporate governance, the Board of Directors (“Board”) of Hexcare is tasked with this pivotal role of directing the principles of transparency, fairness, ethical behavior and risk management in the Company and within the Group. The Board recognizes that a gender-diverse Board can provide greater depth and breadth of perspective. Therefore, a target has been established to maintain a composition threshold of at least 30% female directors on Board. Hexcare currently has a gender diversity ratio of 33.3% as of end of FYE2023. Hexcare’s corporate governance practices and applications have been detailed in our Corporate Governance Report uploaded on Bursa Securities and also in our Corporate Governance Overview Statement published in this Annual Report. The Board and Management of Hexcare are likewise guided by the principles and values of the latest Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG) 2021 in the conduct of our businesses.
Number Of Directors By Gender And Age Group | ||||
Age Group / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | ||
Count | % | Count | % | |
Male | 4 | 66.7% | 5 | 100.0% |
Female | 2 | 33.3% | - | - |
Total | 6 | 100.0% | 5 | 100.0% |
Age Group / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | ||
Count | % | Count | % | |
18 - 30 years | - | - | - | - |
31 - 45 years | - | - | 1 | 20.0% |
46 - 60 years | 2 | 33.3% | 2 | 40.0% |
Above 60 years | 4 | 66.7% | 2 | 40.0% |
Total | 6 | 100.0% | 5 | 100.0% |
Some of the Group’s Human Resource Policies that are currently in place include:

Whistleblowing Policy
• For every disclosure made in good faith, all concerns or complaints raised will be treated fairly and with confidentially in order to protect the whistleblower.
• Investigation will be conducted in-house or externally by any regulatory agency or authority, and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken, if applicable. For the year under review, we recorded zero whistleblowing cases.

Code of Conduct & Ethics
• Violating the Code may subject an employee to a poor or unsatisfactory performance review, disciplinary action, including immediate termination, and/or legal actions.
• All applicable laws, rules, and regulations must be adhered to accordingly and always following the higher standard.

Anti Corruption and Bribery Policy
• Hexcare has zero tolerance for any form of corruption or bribery activities and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships, whether locally or overseas.
• Giving and/or receiving gifts as well as facilitation payments are prohibited.
These policies are published on this website, under Investor Relations/Corporate Governance and are available in both English and Malay, for the accessibility and convenience of our employees. We are pleased to report that there were no incidences of disciplinary actions or dismissals of employees due to any violations of the above practices in FYE2023.
The table below outlines the attendance of the Directors and Committee members at Company meetings throughout the year 2023:
Name | Board of Directors | Audit Committee | Nomination & Remuneration Committee | |||
Number | Rate | Number | Rate | Number | Rate | |
Independent Non-Executive Directors | ||||||
Liew Jee Min @ Chong Jee Min | 5 | 5/5 | ||||
Dato' Chan Choun Sien | 2 | 2/2 | 1 | 1/1 | ||
Sim Yee Fuan | 3 | 3/3 | 3 | 3/3 | 1 | 1/1 |
Doris Cheng Chin Ching | 5 | 5/5 | 4 | 4/4 | 1 | 1/1 |
Lim Siew Eng | 5 | 5/5 | 4 | 4/4 | 1 | 1/1 |
Managing Director | ||||||
Khoo Chin Leng | 5 | 5/5 | ||||
Executive Director | ||||||
Goh Hsu-Ming | 5 | 5/5 | ||||
Lim Chee Lip | 5 | 5/5 | ||||
Total Number of Meeting for FYE2023 |
5 | 4 | 1 |
#The Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee and Remuneration Committees of Hexcare have merged on 1st January 2023, and now is known as the Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Social Sustainability Goals
Achieve 40% female global workforce by year 2025
35.4% global workforce are female as of 31 December 2023
Description / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | FYE2021 |
Female global workforce | 35.4% | 38.6% | 37.4% |
Achieve 45.0% female leadership in managerial positions (Manager and above) by year 2030
Achieved in FYE2023
Achieved 47.4% female leadership in managerial positions as of 31 December 2023
Description / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 |
Female Managerial Level | 47.4% | 44.0% |
Zero tolerance to discrimination, harassment, violence, forced labour and child labour in the workplace
Achieved zero incidence of discrimination or any violence in FYE2023
All manufacturing factories to be ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System certified by 2030
We are certified with ISO 45001:2018
Reduce and maintain the work related injuries rate to 0.8 by 2025
Description / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | FYE2021 |
Work related injuries | 15 | 6 | 12 |
Lost time incident rate | 2.02* | 0.93 | 1.20 |
*The lost time incident rate in Hexcare had risen in FYE2023 compared to previous years. Though we cannot completely eliminate incidents, our safety officers are taking proactive and pre-emptive steps to address this matter.
Zero incidence of fatalities
Achieved zero incidence of fatalities in FYE2023
Description / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | FYE2021 |
Work related fatalities | Nil | Nil | Nil |
Achieve 80.0% local employment in the overall workforce by year 2030
72.7% local employment in the overall workforce as of 31 December 2023
Description / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | FYE2021 |
Local Employment | 72.7% | 68.2% | 57.2% |
Some of the Group’s Human Resource Policies that are currently in place include:

Human Rights Policy
To protect the human rights of employees concerning children's rights, discrimination, and related areas with the inclusion of a clear line of responsibilities for the Boards, managers, supervisors, and all the employees.

Workplace Harassment Policy
To prevent unwarranted harrassment of any kind on employees in the workplace. Hexcare has zero tolerance for any form of harrassment.

Workplace Discrimination Policy
To ensure all employees have an environment that is free from discrimination in employment and opportunity due to race, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, gender, sexual orientation or age.

Personal Data Protection Policy
To protect the personal data from any loss, misuse, modification, unauthorised or accidental access or disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Zero Recruitment Fee Policy
To ensure that workers especially foreign workers have not been charged recruitment or placement fees during their recruitment process.
These Policies are published on this website, under Investor Relations/Corporate Governance and are available in both English and Malay, for the accessibility and convenience of our employees. Crucially, in FYE2023, there were no incidences of non-compliance to labour laws and regulations that resulted in any fines, reprimands or penalties imposed by any regulatory authorities, both in Malaysia and overseas. At Hexcare, we honour and champion human rights simply because they embody key values in our society such as fairness, equality, dignity and respect values that immeasurably sustain humankind.
Communication of our expectations and codes of conduct with regards to these policies are carried out on all new recruits within their first week of employment. We encourage open active communication between employees and Management with regards to these policies.
Workplace Diversity and Equal Opportunities
Hexcare celebrates diversity and practice equality and inclusion in our hiring practices. We believe that a diverse workplace is an essential corporate asset that acknowledges a greater range of talent, perspectives and strengths of its workforce; this promotes greater productivity, fosters teamwork, improves collaboration and ultimately supports a company’s innovation, growth and sustainability. Hexcare complies with current laws on the minimum and standard wage levels that were set by the government in our recruitment process, and ensures that the ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men is 1:1 at all times.
The people pool at Hexcare has always been culturally diverse with a harmonious blend of nationalities, talents and age groups. As of 31 December 2023, the Group had a total headcount of 806, inclusive of seven local Spanish staff based at our subsidiary company in. The senior Management of the Group is 100% Malaysian. All eligible full-time employees of Hexcare are also covered by applicable group-wide medical and health insurance policies.
Of this total of 806, 0% were temporary staff; all were full-time permanent staff of the Group. Hexcare also repatriated 35 foreign workers who had completed their employment contract with the Group back to their home countries. The voluntary turnover rate for FYE2023 was approximately 36.2%, marked by a decrease in recruitment during the year compared to 2022. Contractors and/or temporary staff includes those on short-term work agreement contracts with the Group and whose services were terminated upon completion; Employee movements during the year were as follows:
FYE2023 | FYE2022 | FYE2021 | |
![]() |
806 | 814 | 1009 |
![]() |
56.2% | 89.0% | 28.8% |
![]() |
36.2% | 12.7% | 25.5% |
The Group has always strived ensure a higher proportion of local workers to foreign, and in FYE2023, this was no exception; 586 out of total 806 workers or 72.7% of the Group workforce are Malaysians. The categorization of the Group’s foreign workforce as at the end of FYE2023 consists of workers from Myanmar (71.4%) and Nepal (25.5%) brought in to fulfil critical manual tasks at certain sections of the factory floor that require greater continuity and stability in terms of workers’ attendance and turnover. Staff in Spain accounted for 3.2% of the Group’s workforce. The deliberate decision to employ and retain foreign workers from only a few select countries was so that these foreign workers may foster better support networks, companionship and teamwork among themselves while employed by the Group. Hexcare targets to achieve at least 80.0% local employment in the overall workforce by the year 2030.
Number of Employees by Nationality | ||||||
Nationality / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | FYE2021 | |||
Count | % | Count | % | Count | % | |
Local | 586 | 72.7% | 555 | 68.2% | 573 | 57.2% |
Foreigner | 220 | 27.3% | 259 | 31.8% | 429 | 42.8% |
Total | 806 | 100% | 814 | 100% | 1002 | 100% |

The majority of our Group’s workforce is relatively young and dynamic, with the highest proportion of employees in the 18–30 years age group. Sustainability for the Group is assured from a ready pool of willing, motivated learners, guided by the right balance of qualified experienced mentors
Number of Employees By Age Group | ||||||
Age Group / Employee Category | Executive | Non-Executive | Overall | |||
Count | % | Count | % | Count | % | |
18-30 years | 17 | 2.1% | 351 | 43.6% | 368 | 45.7% |
31-45 years | 48 | 6.0% | 270 | 33.5% | 318 | 39.5% |
46-60 years | 26 | 3.2% | 93 | 11.5% | 119 | 14.7% |
Above 60 years | 1 | 0.1% | - | 0.0% | 1 | 0.1% |
Total | 92 | 11.4% | 714 | 88.6% | 806 | 100.0% |

At Hexcare, equal employment opportunities also extend to persons with disabilities. The Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 in Malaysia provides that such persons shall have the right to access employment on an equal basis as persons without disabilities. Opportunities for employment provide persons with disabilities a safe environment to hone their skills, instill confidence and self-independence which would also encourage and inspire others in the community. The Group presently has in its employment two such persons, equivalent to 0.2% of our global staff count, who are attached to our Gloves Operation division. The Group has no qualms in offering more equal employment opportunities to persons with disabilities in the quest to support their livelihood and our local community should and if the need arises.
Description / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | FYE2021 | |||
Count | % | Count | % | Count | % | |
Global Staff With Disability | 2 | 0.2% | 2 | 0.2% | 2 | 0.2% |
Training and Development
The Group has always been a strong advocate of employee training and development. These programs are held throughout the year and may be conducted in-house or off-site, virtual or physical. Continuous training and learning programs provide opportunities for employees to acquire new skill sets as well as improve their knowledge base, productivity, confidence and morale. In FYE2023, the Group invested approximately RM224,000 in various training programs, encompassing those that were both knowledge-based and skills-based, to address workforce competency gaps, skills upgrade and enrich professional development of our employees. The Group recorded a total of 8,015 training hours spent, or an average of 9.9 hours per headcount in FYE2023, an increase of 1,268 hours or 18.8%, from an average of 8.3 hours per employee in the previous year.
Total Hours of Training by Employee Category | ||||
Employee Category / Year | FYE2023 | FYE2022 | ||
Hours | % | Hours | % | |
Executive | 2,197 | 27.4% | 1,390 | 20.6% |
Non-Executive | 5,818 | 72.6% | 5,357 | 79.4% |
Total | 8,015 | 100.0% | 6,747 | 100.0% |
Employees’ Welfare
Throughout the years, a number of employees from designated departments have also routinely undergone specific occupational health and safety checks such as audiometric tests, chemical exposure monitoring tests and other ad-hoc general health screenings provided by the Group:
Items | Frequency | No of Employees | |
FYE2023 | FYE2023 | ||
Audiometric Test | Once a year | 332 | 464 |
Chemical Exposure Monitoring | Once a year | 14 | 13 |
Medical Surveillance | Once a year | 45 | 46 |
Other than the standard health benefits accorded such as paid sick leaves, maternity and paternity leaves, health insurances and dental care, employees of the Group were also encouraged to adopt healthy lifestyles and work-life balances. The Management has actively supported fellowship and employee participation through the organization of various friendly sports competition and activities throughout the year. After a hiatus of two years due to the pandemic, these sociable badminton and soccer tournaments have gradually resumed and three such tournaments were held during the year, where workers from various divisions and departments within Hexcare engaged in teamwork, friendly competition and comraderies.
Actions Taken to Address Labour Issues
Prevention Of Child Labour
Hexcare does not employ child or under-aged labour, neither does it promote forced labour in its operations. The Group’s Human Resource division takes counter-measures during the hiring process by screening for age using official identification documents such as valid identity cards or passports of workers to verify their ages during the recruitment process. All of our employees meet the current minimum legal recruitable age of 18 years.
Prevention Of Forced Labour
Hexcare does not tolerate any forced labour or labour that involves physical or mental abuse, including actual or threatened physical punishment, verbal or sexual harassment, or domination or restraining of workers by force, authority, or threats. Hexcare shall ensure all work is voluntary and employees shall be free to terminate their employment upon reasonable notice without penalty.
Reduction Of Excessive Working Hours
Hexcare is committed to complying with the latest Employment Act (Amendment) 2022 enforced since 01 January 2023, wherein Hexcare has reduced the maximum weekly working hours from 48 to 45, aligning with International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions on the safeguard of workers’ welfare.
Supporting A Living Wage
Hexcare is committed to paying at or exceeding the current Minimum Wage Order in order for our workers and their families to be accorded a relatively decent standard of living. Employees are accorded their wages in a fair and orderly manner, which may include approved overtime wages and/or other salary benefits such as fees and allowances.
Mechanisms To Allow Employee Representatives To Engage With Company Management
Hexcare has established various mechanisms to facilitate meaningful engagement between employee representatives and company management. This engagement is supported through our dedicated health and safety committees, which focus on ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, and through our trade unions, which represent employee interests and advocate for their needs. These channels ensure that employees have a voice in key discussions and decisions, promoting open communication and collaboration within the company.
Actions Taken to Improve Workforce Diversity
Hexcare acknowledges that employees are our most valuable asset. We respect and protect human rights, and the Group has taken action to improve workforce diversity, equal opportunities, or reduce discrimination, believing that doing so will motivate our team to foster a healthy working environment conducive to optimal growth.
We are dedicated to promoting racial and ethnic inclusivity. Our efforts involve addressing unconscious bias and selecting local employees who reflect the diversity of the communities we engage with in the countries where we conduct our operations.
We are committed to enabling the full and meaningful participation of women while ensuring equal leadership opportunities across all levels of decision-making. Hexcare has extended maternity leave to 98 days and paternity leave to 7 days for married male employees.
Hexcare partners with Persatuan Daybreak to support individuals with disabilities in recruitment. If and when there are such recruitment, we ensure that physical workspaces are adapted to meet their needs and provide supervision by dedicated supervisors to support their integration and success in the workplace.
Hexcare provides cultural and language support to all employees by offering posters and notices in multiple languages, ensuring that every worker can understand the information and fostering an inclusive environment.
We arranged celebratory events to honor the diverse cultures and religions represented by our employees, fostering a sense of unity and connection among our staff. As part of these celebrations, we provide all employees with small bags of goodies to enhance the festive spirit.
Festival Engagement |
Details |
Chinese New Year | Calligraphy event was organised where attended by staff from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds, promoting cultural exchange among employees. |
Hari Raya | Gathering dinners were held in several workplace locations where Malay colleagues brought some food to celebrate Hari Raya with non-Muslim staff together. |
Deepavali | Staff of various races came together to create the traditional "kolam," and some of the Indian colleagues brought some homemade Indian cookies to celebrate Deepavali with others. |
Christmas |
Christmas gift exchange was organised where both management and staff took part together. |
Giving Back To Society
As responsible community members and business operators, Hexcare and the Group carries out its corporate social responsibilities (CSR) in good faith, contributing monetary support and assistance to various deserving charities and organizations. During Malaysia's recovery from COVID-19 in 2023, Hexcare contributed over 108,000 COVID-19 rapid test kits to youth movement groups, social welfare organizations, government agencies, schools, and hospitals throughout the country. In FYE2023, a total of RM268,000 in donations and non-monetary contributions-in-kind were made, which aided approximately 5,330 members of the community. These contributions were distributed across the following focus areas:


Environmental Sustainability Goals
Achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050
All manufacturing factories to be ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certified by 2030
We are certified with ISO 14001:2015
Targets to achieve a reduction of 10.0% in global water withdrawal in 2030 with FYE2022 as a baseline
Reduction of water withdrawal for Year | m3 |
2022 | Baseline year |
2023 | 0.2 |
Targets to achieve a reduction of 15.0% for our absolute GHG emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2 in 2025 with FYE2022 as a baseline
Reduction of co2e for Year |
GHG Emission (Scope 1 & 2)
(in %) |
2022 | Baseline year |
2023 | 7.4% |
Targets to achieve a reduction of 50.0% for our absolute GHG emissions for Scope 2 in 2030 with FYE2022 as a baseline
Reduction of water withdrawal for Year |
GHG Emission (Scope 2)
(in %) |
2022 | Baseline year |
2023 | 12.5 |

Water is a very important yet limited resource in our manufacturing plants where this precious commodity is critical to our glove production processes. At Hexcare, we are committed to managing and using water in the most cost-efficient way that also promotes the long term sustainability of the environment as well. Our Group targets to achieve a reduction of 10.0% in overall water withdrawal in 2030 with FYE2022 as a baseline. Consequently, some of the water saving initiatives that the Group has put in place include:
i. A rain water harvesting system at our Malaysia glove production plants, which saved approximately 1000 cubic meter of water withdrawal per year; and
ii. Installed filters in the leaching tanks to manage the sludge accumulation, reducing the frequency of water changes and downtime to clean the tanks at Rubberex (M) Sdn Berhad. Through the implementation of this initiative, we reduced the water change frequency from twice a week to once a week, thereby saving approximately 740 cubic meters of water withdrawal in FYE2023.
Hexcare's glove production plants are housed in within a single location in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia where we deploy well-established waste water treatment plants and water recycling systems on-site to manage the consumption of water and address water security risks.
Recycled water is reused for toilet flushing, general cleaning, gardening, and other non-critical functions within factory grounds. In addition to the systematic monitoring of daily water consumption, the quality of effluent discharges is also closely tracked to ensure that processed water is safely treated before it released to our drainage and local river systems.
Hexcare’s water withdrawal is primarily sourced from the local municipal water supply. In order to minimize dependency on municipal water sources, we are in the process of upgrading our on-site rainwater harvesting system at our Rubberex Alliance Sdn Bhd sites, that would be capable of capturing approximately 3,000 cubic meters of rain water a year, for recycling and use within our factory operations. With this, two out of the three sites, which constitute 66.7% throughout the company, will be equipped with rainwater harvesting systems. The reduction of municipal water consumption is expected to create more self-sustaining plants, improve efficiency and result in cost savings for the Group.
Besides pollution and emission controls, the Group’s effluent discharges are effectively treated before release to the river systems and reused in the factories. The Group is guided by the Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009 and is in compliance to the design and construction of its industrial effluent treatment systems as well as specifications of industrial effluent treated and/or disposed. The quality of effluent discharges is closely monitored to ensure that processed water is safely treated and pose no threat to the environment before it is released to our drainage and local river systems. In FYE2023, there were no incidences of non-compliances relating to water quality or quantity permits, standards or regulations that resulted in fines, penalties or warnings from the authorities.
In FYE2023, our Malaysian plants treated and released approximately 937,000 cubic meters of water back to the local river systems. Compared to water withdrawn from our national water source of 820,000 cubic meters, the ratio of 1.15 implied a higher volume of treated water released relative to that consumed and has improved from the year before. The Group has set a target to achieve a reduction of 10.0% in global water withdrawal in 2030 with FYE2022 as a baseline.
FYE2023 mil m³ |
FYE2022 mil m³ |
FYE2021 mil m³ |
Volume of Water Treated *(Back to local river system) |
0.94 | 0.80 | 1.07 |
Volume of Water Withdrawn **(Withdrawn from local municipal water source) |
0.82 | 0.62 | 0.84 |
Ratio (Water Treated : Water Withdrawn) | 1.15 | 1.29 | 1.27 |
Volume of water withdrawn in water-stressed region | Nil | Nil | Nil |
*Water treated is equivalent to water discharged
**Water withdrawn is equivalent to water consumed
The Group also primarily operates in Malaysia, within Ipoh, Perak and Subang, Selangor, where, according to the WRI (World Resources Institute), are not considered water stressed areas ( The Group targets to maintain these bases and have no immediate plans to relocate to any water-stressed regions in Malaysia or overseas within the next five(5) years. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that floods, droughts and other water related risk issues brought on by unpredictable weather patterns and climate change will likely impact on the way businesses are organized and operated in future.

In FYE2023, the Group also accomplished notable milestones in our ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency with reductions recorded in in total electricity and diesel usage by 6.8% and 54.8% respectively. The savings in electricity consumption was primarily driven by our intentional shift to solar energy which was a move towards a more sustainable and clean energy source, in line with our objective to minimize carbon emissions. Following lower production intensities, the reduction in electricity, diesel and petrol consumption were also attributable to the decrease in production demand, which correspondingly led to diminished energy needs.
While the consumption of natural gas had risen by 88.3% in FYE2023, this change came about from the Group’s deliberate decision to reduce the usage of woodchips and palm kernel shells (PKS) in favour of natural gas, a choice that supports our commitment to an alternative environmentally-friendly energy source. These shifts undoubtably underscore Hexcare’s commitment to not only optimizing energy consumption patterns but also in ensuring that our choices support the Group’s broader environmental and sustainability goals.
Energy Consumption |
FYE2023 |
FYE2022 |
Diesel | 243 | 539 |
Natural Gas | 82,022 | 43,548 |
Electricity (from TNB) | 19,430 | 20,855 |
Electricity (from solar panels) | 1,565 | 78 |
Woodchips and PKS | 15,927 | 32,227 |
Total | 119,187 | 97,247 |

Solar panels installed at Hexcare’s glove production plants in Ipoh, Malaysia

- Non-renewable energy: Diesel, electricity from TNB and natural gas usage from mobile and stationary equipment
- Renewable energy: Energy consumption from renewable sources generated from solar panels, woodchips and PKS
Above all else, in our quest for continuous improvements and innovations in efficient energy consumption, Hexcare has in place an internal Energy Savings Committee, comprising 14 staff and competent personnel from various departments, who meet at least once quarterly to review and promote responsible energy use within the Group, strengthening our long-term commitment towards Net Zero Carbon Emission 2050.
The electricity yield from our solar panels in FYE2023 was 1958 MWh, of which 1,565 MWh was utilized at our plants and 393 MWh subsequently exported back to the national electricity grid, Tenaga National Berhad ("TNB"). Based on this preliminary data, the cost savings generated for year 2023 amounted to approximately RM455,000. Since commencement in FYE2022, we have effectively reduced a total of 1,693 metric ton (MT) of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission with the installation of the solar system.
Solar Panels |
FYE2023 |
FYE2022 |
Electricity yield (MWh) | 1,958 | 212 |
Electricity utilized (MWh) | 1,565 | 78 |
Electricity exported back to TNB (MWh) | 393 | 135 |
Reduction in MT Co2e | 1527 | 166 |
3Rs -Recycle, Reduce and Reuse

i) Preservation of Forests and Biodegradability

The 3Rs mantra for the Environment is all the more relevant today as we confront the challenges of climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and depletion of natural resource. Simply put, correct applications of the 3Rs help to reduce the burden on our environment and saves our precious planet.
The world’s forests play a vital role in regulating our climate, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and effectively counteract global warming. In our quest to tackle the challenges of climate change and protect the destruction of forests and the precious biodiversity in them, the Group consciously sources its wood and paper products such as packaging materials, wooden pallets and stationeries from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified sources and materials. Products that carry the FSC label are made from 100% recycled materials or are sourced from FSC-certified forests, essentially helping to reverse the effects of deforestation and preserving our environment.
Hexcare’s household and certain industrial gloves produced in Malaysia are largely made from natural rubber – they are recyclable as well as biodegradable in soil where the gloves naturally disintegrate into organic matter over time, causing no harm to the environment or water systems. Where possible, plastic and other synthetic non-biodegradable matters in our shipped goods are also replaced with wood products that are sustainable and renewable.
In another tangible effort to reduce carbon footprint, where possible, the Group also promoted the packaging of gloves in the doubled-up 200 piece-pack or 2,000 pieces per carton style so as to optimize paper and chemicals usage, contributing to less wastes, lower costs and a kinder environment in the long run.
To promote the culture of Recycle, Reduce and Reuse, staff and workers are also encouraged to deposit recyclable items such as used paper, glass and plastic wares at designated well-marked storage bins located strategically within the factory grounds. Larger, disposed industrial containers and bags containing contaminated wastes and chemicals, such as of the type SW409 are also collected for recycling by a specific licensed contractor for off-site scheduled waste recovery on a regular basis.
ii) Scheduled Waste

Scheduled waste is any waste that has hazardous characteristics and the potential to impact the environment and/or harm the public if exposed. At Hexcare, responsible waste and pollution management entail the proper and correct disposal of wastes or unwanted by-products in accordance with the Department of Environment (“DOE”) Scheduled Wastes Regulations 2005 (Environmental Quality Act 1974).
The types of scheduled wastes generated by our plants include latex sludge, clinical waste, waste acetone, contaminated containers and other solid wastes. In FYE2023, 698.1 MT of scheduled waste was generated as by-products of the Group’s glove operations, of which latex sludge and compounded latex lumps make up the highest proportion of scheduled waste generated.
Code | Scheduled or Hazardous Waste Generated | Total Weight (MT) | Disposal Method |
SW109 | Fluorescent Bulb | 0.5 | To reuse, if possible. To dispose to approved disposal facility, if not reusable. |
SW305 | Waste Oil | 2.5 | |
SW321 | Compounded Waste Latex Pump | 141.9 | |
SW322 | Waste Acetone | 0.1 | |
SW409 | Contaminated Containers | 41.3 | Approved disposal facility. Waste management company either landfill or combustion. |
SW321 | Latex Sludge | 510.5 | |
SW410 | Contaminated Rags | 1.3 | |
Total | 698.1 |
The disposal and management of such wastes were carried out by competent skilled personnel under the watchful eye of Management to ensure that there is no contamination of ground water, surface water and air quality that could harm the environment or affect human health. In FYE2023, the following such wastes were recorded, managed and disposed appropriately by the Group:
Waste |
FYE2023 |
FYE2022 |
Hazardous Waste | 698.1 | 901.6 |
Non-Hazardous Waste | 11.7 | N/A |
Total Waste Recycled | 198.1 | 365.6 |
Total Waste Landfill Disposal | 510.4 | 535.7 |
Total Waste Combustion | 1.3 | 0.3 |
*Non-hazardous waste consisting of mixed plastic, carton packaging, and damaged pallets

Scheduled waste disposal being carried out at Hexcare’s glove production plant in Ipoh, Malaysia

Climate change

The need for climate change risk management is more urgent than ever considering the scale of adverse economic impacts of human activities on the environment today. At Hexcare, we address this risk by computing and monitoring greenhouse gas emissions from the plants' production processes and operations of our offices in Malaysia and Spain.
As a responsible global corporate citizen, we believe that it is important to continuously reduce the impact of GHG emissions from year to year through improving operational efficiencies and applying green technologies where feasible. We established our emissions data table to represent Hexcare’s operational carbon emissions following the guidelines in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, which is a standard governing the accounting and reporting of seven GHG covered by the Kyoto Protocol, and subsequently taken pro-active steps to reduce them. In the process, we have also defined the operational boundaries for the purpose of such calculation, taking into account the scopes of both direct and indirect emissions within the boundaries. The emission factors used were made with reference to recognized sources such as the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation’s website (CDM Electricity Baseline for Malaysia), the Department for Environment (DOE), Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) UK GHG Conversion Factors and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which are relevant to our operations.
GHG Emission | CO2e for Year (MT) | |||
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | ||
Scope 1 | Petrol & Diesel | 83 | 168 | 201 |
Natural Gas | 17,660 | 9,309 | 26,013 | |
Woodchips and PKS | 8,559 | 17,330 | 27,840 | |
Sub Total | 26,302 | 26,807 | 54,054 | |
Scope 2 | Purchase Electricity | 11,366 | 12,200 | 23,495 |
Sub Total | 11,366 | 12,200 | 23,495 | |
Total (Scope 1 & 2) | 37,668 | 39,007 | 77,549 | |
Scope 3 | Purchase goods and services | 122 | 93 | 125 |
Upstream Transportation and Distribution | 642 | N/A | N/A | |
Waste generated in operations | 493 | 469 | 641 | |
Business Travel | 59 | 107 | N/A | |
Employee Commuting | 309 | 278 | N/A | |
Downstream Transportation and Distribution | 1,278 | N/A | N/A | |
Investment | N/A | 930 | N/A | |
Sub Total | 3,353 | 1,877 | 766 | |
Grand Total (Scope 1,2 & 3) | 41,021 | 40,884 | 78,315 |
Scope 1 emissions refer to direct CO2e emitted from sources that are owned by the Group, such as our machineries and company owned vehicles
Scope 2 emissions refer to indirect CO2e emitted from the consumption of purchased electricity
Scope 3 emissions refer to indirect CO2e emitted from the value chain of our company, including both upstream and downstream emissions
Hexcare is dedicated to transitioning to a low-carbon economy and continually implements measures to address climate change through adaptation. Our adaptation initiatives include adapting low emissions technologies such as Electric Vehicle ("EV") car and forklifts, as well as utilizing a solar photovoltaic power generation system for our operations. This strategic initiative not only demonstrates our commitment to reducing the impact of climate change and improving efficiency but also plays a pivotal role in our overarching efforts to decrease Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions.
Hexcare is very much conscious of rapidly rising climate change risks, including those that are Physical and Transitional. In response, we proactively identify and manage such risks and opportunities that materially impact our value creation abilities. Driven by our in-house ESG Committee and under the direction of the Board of Directors of Hexcare who oversees the overall management of sustainability matters in the Group, including climate change, Mr Khoo Chin Leng and Mr Goh Hsu-Ming are tasked with driving the development of the group wide Net Zero Target and are committed to ensuring the integration of climate–related initiatives throughout the Group. This include initiatives focused on reducing energy consumption and emissions, managing water and waste, as well as addressing potential climate-related impact on facilities and operations. In the process, we also acknowledge the following risks and opportunities that are currently present in our Sustainability journey:
• Climate change related disclosures and regulations that would impact on our financial and regulatory reporting; and
• Reallocation of financing from financial institutions into other green-intensive investments that would affect our business funding.
• Management of climate change risks and adoption of greener technology could result in less wastages and contribute to overall cost savings for the Group;
• Stakeholders’ trust and perception could be improved through effective emissions management and disclosures; and
• Positive differentiation in the market for long-term value creation that would benefit stakeholders.